Monday, November 1, 2010


Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car

After twelve years of therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said, "No hablo ingles."

Friday, October 22, 2010


I walked through the chipped white door, one black shoe following the other, into what appeared to be nothing but a family home. The air was cold and stagnant, infused with the scents of flowers and a wide variety of perfume, out of place in the room full of furniture and impatient children. As a piece from a popular opera collided with the sound of hushed apologies, I braced myself for the visual that I was unlikely to forget. Without the intent of rudeness, I glided past the lifeless remains of a loved one, in a hurry to pay respects to the tortured family and make my way out of the uncomfortable situation. The tears of the persons in black caused my throat to hold back the words of sincerity. Then, making my way out of the building and into the parking lot, I saw a most poetic scene. A few of the young girls, most likely driven by boredom, were circled around a small pond to the side of a gazebo. One after the other, they peeled away leaves from various looted flowers, and tossed them into the water. I was almost jealous, reflecting on a time when it was acceptable for me to distant myself from the sadness, the way these little girls had. To them, today was another day, and the pond was a way to pass time until they could go home and play dress up, but to me, somebody had died and today we were all forced to focus on the misery.